Covid-19: Consumer Interruptus


“You are all consumers, consumer egos, mythological selves that…have been propagandized—as is the common case in the world presently—into being a believer in a mythological notion of the infinite importance of your own self and of the purpose of satisfying it, of experiencing this and that, indulging in this and that, and being satisfied through […]

covid-19 and the mood of “you don’t love me”


Each morning I clamber out of the quarantine of our tiny condo, climb into our old Honda Civic, and drive the five blocks to the quarantine of my even tinier Rolfing office. What I do there now, instead of Rolfing people, is slouch in the one chair and scribble in spiral-bound notebooks for four to […]

Corona virus: Boot camp for feeling beyond fear


The first time the covid-19 crisis threw me into a state of face-melting terror was at one of our local Minneapolis co-ops. It was during those very first couple of days, long before grocery stores had started limiting how many people could be inside shopping, long before masks, social distancing, or fucked up words like […]