My election fears are an idiot repetition machine


“Everybody is like an archaeological site…each individual is possessed of very complex ‘subjectivity’ that is made of archaic moments of adaptation. When confronted by the circumstances of life, you resort – at random, very primitively and very automatically – to these ‘solutions’…” “Memory is just an impulse to dramatize a certain archaic disposition. Thus, you […]

My secret neediness and coffeeshop baristas


I think I over-bond with coffeeshop baristas. I keep it well-hidden, of course. Outwardly, I have impeccable boundaries. I never do any weird oversharing. I like to think I am a commensurate and equilateral sharer of the highest order, my repartee almost painfully appropriate. But it’s all an act. Deep down inside, I’m all over […]